Resolution 2020
I had a conversation with a friend early in 2020. I asked what her new year resolutions were, to which she kept mum, until I elicited from her that it was something she thought was private. Strange!, I thought, since I believed that sharing resolutions with people you trusted actually improved the likelihood of sticking to the resolutions you have chalked up due to increased accountability and guilt-tripping of how you were going about them.
Anyways one resolution that I have for 2020 if 1 article / week published on LinkedIn/Medium/Quora. I just got started on it and am pretty excited having met the first week’s quota. The idea is that as a human having lived 27 years in this planet I should be ‘producing’ instead of ‘consuming’. This is necessary for the long term. The first article is up at The hope is that the quality exponentially shoots up as the year passes by. A stretch goal is to publish a higher quality article (3 pages+) which can garner some attention. Many exciting things to come this year and hopefully be documented here. Keep watching this space :).
Please dole in your comments.