My journey with Physiotherapy
When I first heard the word “Physiotheraphy” escape from the mouth of my orthopedic, I squatted the thought of it away mentally thinking it’s for the weak. There’s an internal association in my head about therapy being necessary only for the weak. I’m certainly very strong right? Physiotherapy?
Hmmph, not my lane, move over wussies
6 weeks later, I’m trying to come up with excuses to continue with it and stretch it (pun intended) as long as possible. Follow along for a journey of how this happened :D.
I was very tentative initially of needing it trying to figure out how much it would cost me, running around circles with an Indian receptionist about how much it would put a dent in my wallet. She was punting it to insurance who were punting it back to the clinic and I was getting fed up of this. Anyways common sense got the better of me and I thought what’s the big deal I can just go for a session of 2, get maximal utility out of it and then pull out(no pun intended). But as I called up the receptionist again the next day to schedule appointments something changed, she started conversing in Hindi, more like slipped it in which I wasn’t sure initially if she did intentionally or as an accidental slippage of talking to a desi. Anyhow I latched on it and we began an entire exchange of my not so great experiences after coming onto Seattle. She seemed very receptive, understanding and just had a sweet voice that I instantly fell in love with her(lol). Me being me put on my digital Sherlock Holmes hat on and went through the web with a fine tooth comb to get a sense of who she was. I unfortunately had gotten her name wrong as Nina and almost an half-hour search yielded nothing(yeah when you’re sitting disabled with all the time and little motivation to work, you end up doing some pointless sleuthing. Sue me!). So I tried to come up with ways to gather more info about her. So very smartly I sent over an email to their office ‘re-confirming’ my appointment and asking if there were any other forms to fill to mitigate any budding suspicion ><. The response came back soon enough, but to my massive disappointment with only a first name — ‘Leena’. My antics having not yielded any results I settled on the next best thing. Just meeting her there in person during the appointment. I was honestly more looking forward to meeting her than my actual physio ><.
To be contd…